Annual Medicaid Renewals Are Back!

Starting in Spring 2023, New York State resumed eligibility reviews and renewals for Medicaid members. Your Local Department of Social Services or the New York City Human Resources Administration will send you a renewal packet in the mail when it’s time for you to renew your Medicaid.

What do you need to do? Make sure your address, phone number, and other contact information are current to make sure that you receive your renewal packet in the mail. You can call New York Medicaid Choice at (888) 523-8387 to update your contact information. You can also call your Local Department of Social Services/New York City Human Resources Administration with any questions about your Medicaid renewal or to update your contact information. You can find their number at

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TTY 1-888-329-1541

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오전 10:00 - 오후 6:00

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